Beal Air Sit

Code: BSAS

Beal Air Sit

The Beal Air Sit provides seating comfort during prolonged suspension, with rigid sides the Beal Air Sit prevents the webbing straps from cutting into the thighs. The easy-to-use seat has two equipment loops and a rear hook making it easier to store in order to facilitate movement.

Full description


Beal Air Sit

The Beal Air Sit provides seating comfort during prolonged suspension., with rigid sides the Beal Air Sit prevents the webbing straps from cutting into the thighs. The easy-to-use seat has two equipment loops and a rear hook making it easier to store in order to facilitate movement.

Key Features

  • Triangulation of the 2 lateral attachment points assists stability.
  • Durable and breathable comfort padding.
  • 2 plastic lateral gear loops are pre-shaped for ease of clipping.
  • 4 mini gear loops are equally available on the sides to attach ‘AIR-LEASH’ extendable tool holders or 2 ‘TOOL-BUCKET’ tool pouches.
  • A ring under the seat can be used to attach a bag.

Beal Air Sit Tool Bag

(Image above for illustration purpose only tool bag supplied separately).


Harness Accessory

Harness Accessory Type
Harness Seats


Industrial or Sport Use