Synergy Pick-off Rescue Kit

From 897.99

Please note bag colour may vary this can be Hi Viz Yellow or Orange. 

Synergy Pick-off Rescue Kit

Synergy Pick-off Rescue Kit Rescue pack containing pre-assembled kit for rescuing a suspended casualty. Supplied in a rescue bag with comprehensive user instructions, individual product information, inspection advice and Certificates of Conformity for all the items within the kit.

Full description


Synergy Pick-off Rescue Kit

Made to order - Subject to an extended leadtime. Please contact us for urgent orders.

After attaching the wire sling to a suitable secure anchor point, the rescuer pays out the black top rope until the suspended person can reach the karabiner. The suspended person then attaches themselves to the karabiner, after which the rescuer pulls the black rope back through the Protraxion raising the casualty. If the suspended person then needs to be lowered, the rescuer can use the ID descender and the red rope to lower the person to a place of safety.

Key Features

  • Two pulleys give mechanical advantage allowing the rescuer to raise a suspended person with relative ease.
  • ID Descender has an anti-panic function: if the user pulls too hard on the handle, the cam will lock on the rope.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: We strongly recommend comprehensive training is carried out and that only competent people are authorised to use this kit. Please contact us for details of our recommended Work at Height Rescue courses.


Rescue Kit

Rescue Kits
Pick-off Rescue
Rope Length
20m, 60m,


Industrial or Sport Use