Lyon Wire Lanyards Stainless Steel with Copper Ferrules

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Stainless Steel Wire Lanyards with Copper Ferrules

Stainless Steel Wire Lanyard with copper ferrules. Suitable for use in environments where corrosion might be an issue such as offshore. Available in 3 sizes as standard but other lengths available on request. 

PLEASE NOTE: Connectors NOT included.

Full description


Stainless Steel Wire Lanyards with Copper Ferrules

The Lyon wire lanyard is ideal when working with blasting equipment, sharp tools, grinders and welders. A simple slip can sever a nylon lanyard before you have time to react. Hot welding or grinding sparks  flying around could melt a nylon lanyard quickly once one or two glowing metal shards land on it.

IMPORTANT NOTE: These wire lanyards are NOT designed to absorb energy. Without an energy absorber they are only designed for work restraint (where there is no risk of the lanyard being shock-loaded). On their own they must not be used to arrest a fall. For Fall Arrest, they must be used in conjunction with an energy absorber, such as a L57 Absorbica. In this instance, it is mandatory that the combined length of lanyard, absorber and connectors does NOT exceed 2m in length.

Available in Three lengths:

  • 90cm (From eyelet to eyelet without any connectors) Stainless Steel with copper ferrules
  • 140cm (From eyelet to eyelet without any connectors) Stainless Steel with copper ferrules
  • 175cm (From eyelet to eyelet without any connectors) Stainless Steel with copper ferrules

Other sizes available on request please contact us.


PLEASE NOTE: Connectors NOT included.



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Lanyard Type
Energy Absorbing
without Energy Absorber
140cm, 175cm, 90cm,
End Termination
Stainless Steel Loop Terminated with Copper Ferrules


Industrial or Sport Use
CE EN358

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