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DMM Brenin Slideback Harness

Improving on the classic DMM Brenin harness, with increased durability, safety point colour coding, new Slidelock stainless buckles, vertical tie-in points and belay loop design.

Harnesses come in a variety of types: Work Positioning Harnesses (for use by an industrial abseiler who is getting to a place of work by abseiling / ascending or descending a rope / aiding) - Split into Full Body Harnesses, Chest Harnesses and Sit Harnesses, Fall Arrest Harnesses (for use when there is a possibility that the user may take a fall and this fall needs to be stopped in a controlled manner - usually by a shock absorbing lanyard) or Work Restraint Harnesses (designed to stop a user getting to a place where a fall may occur - usually by using a lanyard which limits the distance a person can move - common locations for use are in cherry pickers / scissor lifts).

A guide to the Conformity Standards:

EN358Personal protective equipment for work positioning and prevention of falls from a height. Belts and lanyards for work positioning or restraint.
EN361Personal protective equipment against falls from a height. Full body harnesses.
EN813Personal fall protection equipment. Sit harnesses.
EN1497Personal fall protection equipment. Rescue harnesses.
EN1498Personal fall protection equipment. Rescue loops.
EN12277Mountaineering equipment. Harnesses. Safety requirements and test methods.
ANSI Z359.11Safety Requirements For Full Body Harnesses.
EACEurAsian Conformity marking confirms full compliance with the “Basic Safety Requirements”, which are specified in the Technical Regulations.

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