Viewing 90 of 115.

Beal Twist Air Swivel

The Twist Air Swivel has a ball bearing for efficient operation even under load. It also has an individual number which guarantees its traceability.


Beal Transf'Air Mini Pulley

Compact and lightweight pulley with swivelling side plate. Stainless steel axle and washer. The sheave is mounted onto a bronze collar to promote a good level of efficiency. Maximum diameter 11 mm. EN12278: 1998.


Beal Transf'Air Twin B Pulley

Pulley with fixed side plates and ball bearings for optimal efficiency. Its compact and lightweight nature make it easy to handle. Allows a pulley system to be set up by adding a component such as an ascender. Maximum max diameter 13 mm. EN12278: 1998.


Beal Transf'Air Fixe B

Pulley with fixed side plates and ball bearings for optimal efficiency. Its compact and lightweight nature make it easy to handle. Allows a pulley system to be set up by adding a component such as an ascender.


Beal Transf'Air Fixe

Compact and lightweight pulley with fixed side plates. Stainless steel axle and washer. The sheave is mounted onto a bronze collar to promote a good level of efficiency.


Beal Transf' Air 2B Pulley

A highly efficient double pulley with ball bearing mounted sheaves, the swivelling action of the side plates allows the pulley to be positioned anywhere along the rope.


Beal Transf'Air 1B Single Pulley

Highly efficient single pulley with swivelling side plate and ball bearing mounted sheave. Its swivelling action allows the pulley to be positioned anywhere along the rope, whilst the ball bearings ensure maximum efficiency and durability. Ideal for intensive use with large rope diameters. Stainless steel axle and washers.


Beal Transf'Air 1 single pulley

Large single pulley with swivelling side plate. Stainless steel axle and washer. The sheave is mounted onto a bronze collar to promote a good level of efficiency.

From 178.99

Beal Air Kit Mobile Fall Arrest System

Specific kit to create a mobile fall arrest system specially adapted to vertical work or work on inclined surfaces.


Beal Mobile Lanyard

The Mobile Lanyard is certified to work with the Monitor mobile fall arrest device, enabling it to be positioned away from the operator. 


Beal Monitor Mobile Fall Arrest Device

Aluminium mobile fall arrest device with swivelling side plate.


Beal O'Light Tri-Matic Karabiner

Symmetrical aluminium oval shaped connector for use with equipment with swivelling side plates such as pulleys, rope clamps, mobile fall arrest devices, etc.


Beal O'Light Oval Screwgate Karabiner

Symmetrical aluminium oval shaped connector for use with equipment with swivelling side plates such as pulleys, rope clamps, mobile fall arrest devices, etc

RRP 15.99
Save 2.00

Beal O'Smith Steel Oval Screwgate Karabiner

Symmetrical oval shaped steel connector.


Beal O'Smith 3-Matic Steel Oval Karabiner

Symmetrical oval shaped steel connector.


Beal Air Smith 3-Matic Steel Karabiner

High capacity steel connector with large opening to assist with connections to metal anchors.

Its capacity allows it to accommodate multiple items.


Beal Twin O Karabiner

An oval karabiner designed for use with equipment with swivelling side plates such as pulleys and descenders. The TWIN O is equipped with the TWIN-GATE concept and its two opposing gates. The absence of a traditional locking barrel reduces the potential of the karabiner becoming incorrectly positioned.



Auto-locking aluminium connector with large opening.

Ideal for connections to cables, bars and beams.


Beal Be Lock Screwgate Karabiner

HMS aluminium screwgate connector with large capacity and opening to accommodate multiple items. Its generous loading surface and HMS shape facilitate its use with Clove and Italian hitches.


Replacement Foam Insert for Beal Mercury Helmet

Comfort form Insert for Mercury Helmets. Removable and machine washable.


Beal SkyFall Ultra-light Helmet

Ultra-light helmet in ABS material with internal suspended harness and polystyrene reinforcement for optimal energy absorption in case of impact.


Beal SkyFall Ultra-light Electrically insulated Helmet

Ultra-light helmet in ABS material with internal suspended harness and polystyrene reinforcement for optimal energy absorption in case of impact.



Eye protection during work with projections. Compatible with SKYFALL.


Beal Absorb Air Energy Absorber

Webbing construction energy absorber. Energy is absorbed through the controlled tearing of the webbings weft during deployment.

From 121.99

Beal DynaPro Air

Fall arrest lanyard with integrated energy absorber (EN355 + EN 362) designed for work environments with a fall risk. 

From 154.99

Beal DynaPro V Air Hook

V-shaped fall arrest lanyard with integrated energy absorber (EN355 + EN362). Designed as a progression lanyard for work environments with a fall risk, it is well adapted to structures where anchor points are cables, bars or beams.


Beal Hero Pro

A fall arrest and work positioning harness. A fall arrest and work positioning harness with ascender to aid rope ascents.


Beal Hero Pro Black

A fall arrest and work positioning harness. A fall arrest and work positioning harness with ascender to aid rope ascents.